All your links and passwords, too.
Guess how many clients don’t have access to their own websites?
More than you’d think.
And even if you never log in, this is important information for every website owner to have, because sometimes this happens:

Whether it’s a WordPress issue, a misplaced semicolon, a plugin incompatibility, or simply the phase of the moon, sometimes a website will cough up an error like that.
If we have the logins – and we usually ask for them before starting any work, it can very often be fixed quickly and easily.
If we do not have access to those services – well – then – sometimes we can’t do anything. Then the client has to get involved, time passes, and the issue lingers, the site stays down, and usually someone (sometimes me, if you can believe it) gets annoyed.
This is why we recommend that you – the site owner – have this login information.

You should have logins and access to your web hosting account and site administrator account. If only so you can easily share them with your developer team, instead of going back to the former developer, who has to send out to his contact somewhere, who has to contact his guy overseas, to get the server logins we need to do the job you hired us to do.
So – if you don’t have your logins, go get them right now from wherever they may be, and hang on to them just in case. That way my next post won’t be about you. 🙂